Committed to bring Art and CS together.

My research interest lies in the intersection of Human Computer Interaction, AI and Vision & Graphics.

I am particularly interested in enabling creation and design with computational methods.

Currently I am working with Prof. Eytan Adar on interesting projects concerning human-AI collaboration.

I obtained my MSc from UMSI in the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, and BSc from SCS in Fudan University.

Working papers and Publications

[Preprint] Exploring Bridges Between Creative Coding and Visual Generative AI Jiaqi Wu.

[Preprint] viz2viz: Prompt-driven stylized visualization generation using a diffusion model Jiaqi Wu, John Joon Young Chung, Eytan Adar.

Characterizing and Understanding the Development of Social Computing through DBLP: A Data-Driven Analysis Jiaqi Wu, Bodian Ye, Qingyuan Gong, Atte Oksanen, Cong Li, Jingjing Qu, Felicia F. Tian, Xiang Li, Yang Chen. Journal of Social Computing, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 287-302

Recent Research

Creative Coding and Visual Generative AI

Explore how to amplify creative coding process by connecting real-world inspirations, vague intents, and abstract patterns

MAAE: Mask-Guided Attention-Based Semantic Guidance for Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Explored a way of enabling soft conditions on multiple objects layout in stable diffusion

Built Upon Attend and Excite pipeline

Diffusion Model in Data Visualization

A general recipe with specific workflows and augmented diffusion pipelines using PyTorch to support the creation of stylized visualization

Understanding the Development of Social Computing through DBLP: A Research Bibilometric Analysis

A detailed analysis of social computing by proposing and implementing a systematic workflow for scientific publication analysis

Selected Projects

GenP5 Algorithm

Methods and art gallery for animated algorithm visualization

Visual Text Analyzer: Creative image generation

Custom GPT enabling creative image generation from input text paragraph

Stylized brush python p5

A stylized brush application allowing painting with brush stylization using python p5 and dreamstudio stable diffusion (SD) api

Simple Text Inpainting System

Provide the idea, dataset, simple implimentation and evaluation of text inpainting

HCI Research on Shape Pronto : Shape based Augmented Reality Effects

Conducted a user study to extract the design space of Shape Pronto made by Reality Composer

AR for street art

AR app design and prototype for street art creation and collaboration, by Lens Studio and Simple paint AR

AR for designer

AR app design and prototype for amplifying designer productivity, by Lens Studio

?2img: Ambiguity visualization

Extracting the ambiguity of the text by identifying words with different meanings and words that can easily be misspelled


Communication between different languages through visual elements

Information Retrieval: Small Search Engine on Social Computing Publication

Used Pyterrier, learing to rank model to design and implement a search engine for high quality social computing publications

Statistics and Data Analysis: Dating App User Profile Analysis

Used R language to conduct a statistical analysis on open source user profile data from Kaggle

(Group Project) Interaction Design: Mobile Application For Fitness Activities

Used Figma to design and implemented the prototype of a mobile application for nearby fitness activities

Arts and Full Projects

Click to see Arts and full projects